
Showing posts from July, 2018

1XPhosphate Buffered Saline: A Unique Formulation to Aid Medical Research

When the discussion is on early-stage drug discovery and developments, there is still a question mark. Research is still lagging in this field. This is because of inadequate models and medium to carry on with the research. But recently, several organizations are coming up with their unique products and services, which are proving to be a boon in the medical research department. Shedding light on the range of products A variety of products are offered. Some of these products include 3D supporting products, medium and reagents, animal cells, human cells, 3D tissue models, western blot antibodies, cell staining kits, antibody purification beads, and many others. 1XPhosphate buffered saline is one such product. Visit the websites to get more details of the product. Advantages of culturing the cells in 3D models A 3D model has cells, which resemble an in vivo tissue and hence, it acts as a better medium for the development of extracellular matrices and promotes cellu...